a bed in a room and sunlight coming from the window

Dua For Waking Up – So kar Uthne Ki Dua

Dua is the most important part of every kind of our daily activity. If we recite supplications (duas) that Prophet Muhammad (SAW) taught us before the start and end of every work, we can succeed in every work. All our work would be according to the will of Allah. And we will be saved from whatever harm Satan wants to do us. As we know, he is the real enemy of every Muslim.

Dua for waking up

As Prophet Muhammad (SAW) taught us many duas before sleeping, similarly, He(SAW) also taught us Duas for getting up. In this article, we will discuss all the Supplications for getting up, or it is also called so kr uthnay ki dua (Dua For Waking Up) and subha uthnay ki dua in Urdu.

We will also teach you its transliteration and translation in Urdu, English, and Hindi so that you can understand it well. So let’s get started!

Dua For Waking Up – Subha Uthne Ki Dua

In a Hadith in Sahih Bukhari, Abu Hurraira narrates that the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said: If any of you rouses from sleep and performs ablution, he should wash his nose by putting water in it and then blowing it out thrice because Satan has stayed in the upper part of his nose all the night.

In Sahih Bukhari Hadith# 6312, He (SAW) taught us dua for waking up. So first dua for getting up in the morning  we find in Hadith is the following;

اَلْحَمْدُ لِلّٰہِ الَّذِیْٓ اَحْیَانَا بَعْدَ مَآ اَمَاتَنَا وَاِلَیْہِ النُّشُوْرُ


 Al-hamdu li l-lahil-ladhi ahyana ba’da ma amatana wa ilaihin-nushur. 

Translation in Urdu;

ہر قسم کی تعریف اللہ ہی کے لیے ہے جس نے ہمیں زندہ کیا، بعد اس کے کہ اس نے ہمیں مار دیا تھا اور اسی کی طرف اٹھ کر جانا ہے

Translation in English;

All praises are due to Allah’ Who gave us life after He has caused us to die, and to Him shall we return.

Translation in Hindi;

सारी प्रशंसा अल्लाह के लिए है, जिसने हमें मारने के बाद हमें जीवन दिया, और हम उसी की ओर लौटेंगे।

saaree prashansa allaah ke lie hai, jisane hamen maarane ke baad hamen jeevan diya, aur ham usee kee or lautenge.

Dua For Waking Up In The Middle Of The Night

Dua For Waking Up In The Middle Of The Night

In Sahih Bukhari Hadith# 1154 the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said that “if a person wakes up in the middle of the night say a dua so he will be forgiven. If he prays for anything, it is accepted. If he performs ablution and prays Namaz it will be accepted.” As the Quran says Allah loves a person who worships at night. Dua that He (SAW) taught us to recite when we get up in the middle of the night is the following:

لَآ اِلٰہَ اِلَّا اللّٰہُ وَحْدَہٗ لَاشَرِیْکَ لَہٗ، لَہُ الْمُلْکُ وَلَہُ الْحَمْدُ، وَھُوَ عَلٰی کُلِّ شَیْءٍ قَدِیْرٌ، سُبْحَانَ اللّٰہِ وَالْحَمْدُلِلّٰہِ وَلَآ اِلٰہَ اِلَّا اللّٰہُ وَاللّٰہُ اَکْبَرُ وَلَا حَوْلَ وَلَا قُوَّۃَ اِلَّا بِاللّٰہِ الْعَلِیِّ الْعَظِیْمِ رَبِّ اغْفِرْلِیْ

‘La ilaha il-lallah Wahdahu la Sharika lahu Lahu-lmulk, waLahu-l-hamd wahuwa ‘ala kullishai’in Qadir. Al hamdu lil-lahi wa subhanal-lahi wa la-ilaha il-lal-lah wa-l-lahu akbar wa la hawla Wala Quwata il-la-bil-lah

اللہ کے سوا کوئی معبود نہیں، وہ اکیلا ہے، اس کا کوئی شریک نہیں، اسی کی بادشاہت ہے اور اسی کے لیے ہر قسم کی تعریف ہے اور وہ ہر چیز پر کامل قدرت رکھتا ہے۔ اللہ پاک ہے اور سب تعریف اللہ ہی کے لیے ہے اور اللہ کے سوا کوئی معبود نہیں اور اللہ سب سے بڑا ہے۔ اور (برائی سے بچنے کی) ہمت ہے نہ (نیکی کرنے کی) طاقت مگر بلندی اور عظمت والے اللہ ہی کی توفیق سے۔ اے میرے رب! مجھے بخش دے۔

 None has the right to be worshiped but Allah. He is the only One and has no partners. For Him is the Kingdom and all the praises are due to Him. He is the omnipotent. All the praises are for Allah. All the glories are for Allah. And none has the right to be worshiped, but Allah And Allah is the Great, And there is neither Might nor Power Except with Allah. 

Dua After Waking Up In The Middle Of The Night

Dua After Waking Up In The Middle Of The Night

Abu Hurraira(ra) narrated that: the Messenger of Allah said: When one of you leaves his bed and then returns to it, then let him brush it off with the edge of his Izar three times, for indeed, he does not know what succeeded him upon it after him. When he lies down, let him say:

بِاسْمِكَ رَبِّي وَضَعْتُ جَنْبِي وَبِكَ أَرْفَعُهُ، ‏‏‏‏‏‏فَإِنْ أَمْسَكْتَ نَفْسِي فَارْحَمْهَا، ‏‏‏‏‏‏وَإِنْ أَرْسَلْتَهَا فَاحْفَظْهَا بِمَا تَحْفَظُ بِهِ عِبَادَكَ الصَّالِحِينَ

Bismika rabbī waḍa`tu janbī wa bika arfa`uhu, fa’in amsakta nafsī farḥamhā wa in arsaltahā faḥfaẓhā bimā taḥfaẓu bihī `ibādakaṣ-ṣāliḥīn

اے میرے رب! میں تیرا نام لے کر  ( اپنے بستر پر )  اپنے پہلو کو ڈال رہا ہوں یعنی سونے جا رہا ہوں، اور تیرا ہی نام لے کر میں اسے اٹھاؤں گا بھی، پھر اگر تو میری جان کو  ( سونے ہی کی حالت میں )  روک لیتا ہے  ( یعنی مجھے موت دے دیتا ہے )  تو میری جان پر رحم فرما، اور اگر تو سونے دیتا ہے تو اس کی ویسی ہی حفاظت فرما جیسی کہ تو اپنے نیک و صالح بندوں کی حفاظت کرتا ہے

In Your name, my Lord, I lay my side down, and in Your name I raise it. And if You take my soul, then have mercy upon it, and if You release it, then protect it with that which you protect your righteous worshipers.

And when he awakens, let him say:

اَلْحَمْدُ لِلّٰہِ الَّذِیْٓ عَافَانِیْ فِیْ جَسَدِیْ وَرَدَّ عَلَیَّ رُوْحِیْ وَاَذِنَ لِیْ بِذِکْرِہٖ

Al-ḥamdulillāh alladhī `āfānī fī jasadī wa radda `alayya rūḥī wa adhina lī bidhikrih

ہر قسم کی تعریف اللہ ہی کے لیے ہے جس نے مجھے جسمانی عافیت دی اور مجھ پر میری روح لوٹا دی اور مجھے اپنی یاد کی اجازت دی

All praise is due to Allah, Who healed me in my body, and returned to me my soul, and permitted me to remember him.

(Sunan Tirmizi Hadith # 3401)

Benefits of Dua For Waking Up

Some of the benefits of  Waking Up Dua(So kr uthne ki dua) are the following:

  • We thank Allah in the Waking up dua so it pleases Allah.
  • It reminds us that our creator is Allah and without his will, we would not be able to wake up from sleep.
  • We start our day with the name of Allah, So your day goes smoothly.

Also Read: Dua For Sleeping

These are some benefits of waking up dua, but we can’t imagine the countless blessings after reciting every dua that Prophet Muhammad (SAW) taught us. Always start your day with Allah’s name.

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